Friday, December 9, 2011

Marker Can

It used to hold food. Now it holds my supplies! 

Hi Crafters!
It's December!!.. I'm off track from work... I'm home ....and have lots of time to keep my self busy crafting.
This month I have been working on turning food cans into functional art cans. They have been of great use so far for holding markers, scissors, pens, hair clips, jewelry, etc. But can be used to hold other things

 Using a clean empty food can I used Glitter Mod Podge, tissue paper, ribbon, and a hot glue gun to create.
I glued down the tissue paper around the can using the Mod Podge.  Let it Dry. The blue and green color is the tissue paper.  You will notice a difference in the color and texture of the tissue paper react to the Mod Podge, it will become stiff.  I painted on yellow and orange flowers with acrylic paint. Let it Dry. Glued down the ribbon with the Mode Podge, wrapping it completely around the can. Added another layer of Mod Podge around the entire can and  Let it Dry.  And finally used a hot glue gun to attache the bow. And, tada!

Note: Make sure to wrap the tissue paper around the top inner lid and seal it down really well with the Mod Podge, it can be sharp if left uncovered. Or you can hot glue some felt around the inside too.
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